I am unable to find precise answers to your questions. But the scope
of the phenomenon can be somehow understood with the following data
which hint that today, the demand for rotation service has increased
about 56-fold compared to June 2011. But I am unable to say how long
the present high demand will last. And we must think about the unused
pictures or pictures used on small projects which may require rotation
but which people may be not be going to find so soon. Let alone the
cases when readers find that something is wrong but are too shy to say

As of 24-30 June (7 days) Rotatebot was requested to rotate about 250
files in 7 days (1)

As of now, Rotatebot is handling about 250 files in 3 hours (2) (which
means (24/3)*7*250 = 56*250 in 7 days)


Le 12 décembre 2011 16:55, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> * How many existing uploads, used on the wikis, were previously
> wrongly rotated and were fixed by the feature?
> * How many existing uploads, used on the wikis, were previously
> correctly rotated and were messed up by the feature?
> i.e., was there strong reason to apply it to past images, not just new ones?

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