Name:  Glynn Foster
Nicks: Gman
Corporate Affiliation: Sun Microsystems


I've been working for the Sun desktop group and involved in GNOME for the past 6
years. I've been a past Foundation board member during 2002 and 2003. My focus
has generally been on community development and communication between Sun and
GNOME, though I have been known to write some code from time to time. I have
previously been involved in the GUADEC organizing committee for several years,
and was a member of the Elections and Membership committee. I am also an active
member of the OpenSolaris community.


I believe there are a number of significant improvements to the GNOME Foundation
board (and consequently a lot less frustration) over the last year or two that
have encouraged me enough to run again. I hope to be able to continue on the
*fantastic* progress the board has made this year, and work with the wider free
software community.


I do intend to run for the OpenSolaris governing board elections early next year
which would obviously split my interests and time if elected.

I'm also concerned that we get the right selection people on the board this year
as I feel that GNOME is more strategically important than ever, and I would very
much like to see that momentum continue. I would very much encourage candidacies
from Quim Gil, Dave Neary, Jonathan Blandford and Jeff Waugh.

I don't want to be a rock star, I just want to help. If more suitable candidates
are running, I'm happy to cheer them from the sidelines.

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