
The list of candidates for the elections are available here:

With this mail, one hopes to start off the series of discussions amongst
the candidates in the fray for the Board. The underlying vein in the
series of questions is that they are *not* technology (ie
hacker/developer) centric. The Board does not directly get involved in
the technicalities, the bunch of questions are more board-related. In
the spirit of the 2003 mail from Telsa Gwynne the questions are mostly
positive in nature.

The first question is from Baris (via a discussion/chat on IRC)


[1] What are your plans to answer the question put forward at the last
GUADEC about "Why should one become a member of the GNOME Foundation" ?
Would you be in a position to elaborate on your plans/projects to make
membership more interesting for the GNOME Community ?

[2] What do you think is the most important item on the Board's agenda
right now ? What will you do more or better than the previous boards ?

[3] How do you manage your time and that of others ? Are you good at
working with others including those who might have a differing opinion
than yours and try to reach consensus and agree on actions ?

[4] How are you going to manage your current contributions to GNOME once
you become a Board Member ?

[5] What do you think is the most important market for GNOME over the
coming year and what do you feel you can do to help GNOME achieve better
presence ?

[6] What are your plans to encourage and mentor contributions to GNOME
from Latin America, Africa and Asia ? How would you increase community
participation ?

[7] What areas do you see lacking currently in a complete Free Software
Desktop ? What would your role be (should you be elected) in addressing
the issues ?

[8] What are your planned activities to promote use of GNOME in small
and medium business environments which potentially deliver many users to

[9] What sources of funds do you as a Board Member (should you be
elected) try to establish ? What areas do you think require most fund-love ?

[10] Please rank your interests:

        * GNOME evangelizing to government, enterprise, small business and
        * GNOME marketing and merchandising of branded items (nationally and
        * GNOME legal issues like Copyright and Patents
        * GNOME finances and fund raising
        * Alliance with other organisations

[11] How much familiar are you with the day-to-day happenings of GNOME ?
How much do you follow and participate in the main GNOME mailing lists ?

[12] Can you elaborate about your plans to provide the Board with a
focus that steers development choices and works with allied
organisations in order to define and adapt (and or adopt) standards ?


Let the discussions begin ...



>From Untruth, lead me to the Truth,
>From Darkness, Lead me towards the Light,
>From Death, Lead me to Life Eternal.
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