Le lundi 01 février 2010, à 17:11 +0100, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> Le lundi 01 février 2010, à 10:39 -0500, Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier a écrit :
> > On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Vincent Untz <vu...@gnome.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there anyone who would like to help create a useful summary of the
> > > results? I have some stats already, but if you let me do this alone,
> > > I'll likely only present some less-effort stats ;-)
> > 
> > Depends on how time-sensitive it is. I should have some time towards
> > the end of the week, but right now am pretty swamped.
> Well, I would be hoping to be able to send some analysis in the next few
> days. I guess if nobody steps up soon enough, I'll just publish what I
> have and the raw results, so people could take a look and produce more
> interesting stats.

Here are the stats I did (hopefully, I didn't get anything wrong ;-)).
I'm attaching the results in case anybody wants to play with them. Note
that I removed the answers to the free form entry since it made it
possible to guess who replied what in a few cases (it shouldn't be a big
loss, though).

+ 103 people replied
  - 84 are contributors (81.55%) and 18 aren't (17.48%)
  - 75 are foundation members (72.82%) and 27 aren't (26.21%)
  - 68 attended GCDS (66.02%) and 33 didn't (32.04%)
  - 13 (12.62%) attended a GUADEC (before GCDS), 58 (56.31%) attended 2
    or more, and 31 (30.10%) never went to GUADEC

+ Do it vs Don't do it
  - contributors: 54 vs 25 (64.23% vs 29.76%)
  - foundation members: 49 vs 22 (65.33% vs 29.33%)
  - attended GCDS: 46 vs 19 (67.65% vs 27.94%)
  - attended guadec once: 9 vs 4 (69.23% vs 30.77%)
  - attended guadec more than once: 35 vs 19 (60.34% vs 32.76%)
  - never attended guadec: 22 vs 5 (70.97% vs 16.13%)

+ only/more likely to attend vs will not/less likely to attend if
  - contributors: 9 vs 10 (10.71% vs 11.90%)
  - non-contributors: 10 vs 0 (55.56% vs 0%)

+ productive improvements for GNOME:
  - yes, directly: 15 (14.56%)
  - yes, indirectly: 61 (59.22%)
  - no: 17 (16.50%)

+ misc:
  - nobody said "do it" and "it won't lead to any improvement for GNOME"
  - 10 people said "don't do it" and "it will lead to direct/indirect
    improvements for GNOME"
  - 9 people replied while they don't plan to go to GUADEC in 2011
    (4 of them said "do it", 2 said "don't do it")


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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