On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:37 AM Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org> wrote:

> = Minutes for Tuesday, October 27th, 2015, 19:00 UTC =
> Next meeting date Tuesday, November 3th, 2015, 19:00 UTC
> == Attending ==
>  * Jeff F. T.
>  * Rosanna Yuen
>  * Cosimo Cecchi
>  * Allan Day
>  * Ekaterina Gerasimova
>  * Andrea Veri (joined late)
> == Regrets ==
>  * Shaun McCance
> == Missing ==
> == Board meeting ==
>  * Desktop Summit 2011 taxes
>   * Kat looked over the paperwork and numbers again; still can't get the
> right numbers to match when we calculate
>   * 3.5% tax supposed to be somewhere but can't find mentions of that in
> the paperwork, or finding conflicting info
>   * ACTION: Kat and Rosanna to schedule a call with Marta to sort things
> out with the Desktop Summit taxes

Hope this works out.

>  * Trademark renewals: see Pam's mail from October 16th re the old vs new
> logo image

I don't think that mail is public.  Can someone from the board give a

>   * Old logo was trademarked as a temporary measure until the newer logo
> became commonly used
>   * It also serves as a proof of prior art and seriousness in maintaining
> the mark
>   * Should we renew the old logo now?
>   * ACTION: Allan to get back to Pam and check if there is an option to
> proceed with an unregistered trademark for the old GNOME foot that still
> protects the GNOME brand
Which logo are we talking about?  The foot with the texture?  Have we've
seen instances where this trademark was being used?

What are the trade offs with not renewing the old logo vs renewing it?  You
say that it is proof of prior art.  Does that contribute to the strength of
the GNOME brand or the current brand logo?

>  * Replacing Christian Hergert and choose a new vice-chairperson
>   * Vice-president
>    * Kat will take over vice-president duties for a few weeks until we
> have a full board again, then we'll call a vote for the new vice-president
Hasta luego, Senor Hergert!

>  * Sysadmin sponsorship brochure & pitch (feedback on the draft, coming up
> with perks)
>   * We're running out of funds from the previous fundraising campaign
> launched to sponsor a part-time Sysadmin position
>   * Jeff prepared a draft and sent it to the Board:
> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/private/board-list/2015-March/msg00036.html

Likely don't want to refer to a private mail. :D

>   * Needs finishing and some feedback from the Board to improve and
> finally launch it
>   * ACTION: Jeff and Cosimo to handle the first review of sysadmin
> sponsorship brochure and any eventual improvement to the sponsorship
> brochure itself

Would we be able to see this brochure?

>  * Conference sponsorship brochure
>   * Not much back from the organising teams in the way of feedback
>   * We need to make a final call on the fee levels, at the very least.
>   * Generally agree platinum should be lower, since we haven't gotten any,
> but uneasy about increasing bronze/silver levels for GUADEC
>   * Kat will try to ask people at sponsoring companies what they think
> about numbers
>   * ACTION: Allan will send an email to the mailing list to vote on
> numbers for the conference sponsorships for 2016

This is quite the pickle.  I didn't get a chance to talk to Markus about
funding levels when he was here in Portland.  We had discussions though
about attracting more companies and I think you might need to not worry
about platinum sponsorship but instead focus on more broad set of companies
who will support GNOME at the bronze and silver levels.

Recruitment should be focused on xdg-app and GNOME's leadership in Free
Software, its influence both in social and technical circles around
products based on the Linux kernel as well as distributions.

Unfortunately, this is exactly why you need a person directly focused on
these efforts.  It can't be done with a set of volunteers.

> == Discussed on the mailing list ==
>  * ilovewhatido.eu trademark license agreement
>   * It will last for two years
>   * 10% of net receipts (profits) will be donated to the foundation
>   * We should be sent a royalty report every 6 month by email
>   * VOTE: Approve a trademark license agreement for ilovewhatido.eu
>    * VOTE: +1 Allan, Kat, Jeff, Cosimo
>    * Contract wording should be reviewed as it could be improved
This is awesome!  So does this make the second trademark license agreement
that we had?  Allan and I were working with someone else, is it it the same
person or is this a different one?

How do you intend to spread the word of these trademark license agreements?

Also, can we start spreading out what kind of knickknacks?  I mean, the
GNOME foot lends itself to some of the cutest baby clothes ever.  Given how
many of us are starting families, it seems that  this is the right time to
have these kind of things.

>  * Status of the GNOME Infrastructure and Sysadmin funds
>   * Andrea reported to the Board about the current status of the GNOME
> Infrastructure and the remaining assigned funds to the sysadmin position
>   * The GNOME Infrastructure has finally reached stability both in terms
> of reliability and uptime

Damn right.  Kudos to Patrick and Andrea for this.  Our infrastructure is
what makes GNOME work.  I don't know if anybody remembers what the hell it
was prior to having people take care of our infrastructure.

>   * No service disruptions since GNOME hired a system administrator

We've had at least one DoS attack that was also addressed from what I know.

>   * Sysadmin funds are however coming to an end after the Board assigned
> additional 5k USD from its budget back in January 2015 (
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2015-January/msg00001.html
> )
>   * The Sysadmin sponsorship brochure original draft by Jeff is under
> Board's evaluation with higher priority

What's the plan to keep this funded?

We were supposed to have some funds for privacy campaign that if I remember
has not been used yet.   How about we put some of that towards sysadmin?
Can it be done?

> == Completed action items ==
>  * Allan to reply to Michael about GIMP reimbursements
>  * Rosanna will take a look at the receipts and take action where she can
> on the GIMP reimbursements
>  * Allan will send out the proposed conference sponsorship amounts to the
> local teams and ask for matching perks
>  * Shaun will take a look early next week at Desktop Summit taxes
> (obsolete)
>  * Jeff to continue the sponsors outreach & Annual Report shipping
> operation
>   * Jeff will send annual report without sponsorship brochures as it will
> be at least two weeks before we finalize sponsorship levels
>  * Kat: trademark registration followup with Pam (completed, old)
Thank you board members for your hard work!  You guys rock!!

> == Pending action items ==
>  * Allan will send an email to the mailing list to vote on numbers for the
> conference sponsorships for 2016
>  * Jeff and Cosimo to handle the first review of sysadmin sponsorship
> brochure and any eventual improvement to the sponsorship brochure itself
>   * Jeff to find existing fundraising brochure/proposal documents and come
> up with one for fundraising for a sysadmin
>  * Allan to get back to Pam and check if there is an option to proceed
> with an unregistered trademark for the old GNOME foot that still protects
> the GNOME brand
>  * Kat and Rosanna to schedule a call with Marta to sort things out with
> the Desktop Summit taxes
>  * Allan to take the sponsorship brochure forward, through the Engagement
> Team
>  * Allan to make the board should finalise the sponsorship levels and
> joint sponsorship discount, and email the organising teams for comment
>  * Allan: Ubuntu GNOME agreement follwup with Pam
>  * Shaun: GNOME logo use by podiatrist
>  * Allan: Hellotux agreement
>  * Allan: License agreement with ilovewhatido
>  * Sri, Christian: Privacy funds hackfest

Well crap, I suppose I need to do something about that right?

>  * Allan will follow up with Pam with the result of further discussion
> about the Ubuntu GNOME logo (include GNOME Shell + Control Center in the
> agreement with an option for the Board to review)
>  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be
> sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
>  * Christian to reach out to the ED Search committee and get some updates

I have provided the updates.  We have had several qualified candidates who
have applied.  The committee is continuing to move forward on this.  I
cannot of course reveal any more than that.

>  * Logo usage for t-shirts: Jeff to carry on with the process and follow
> up and have some general guidelines written down for future cases
>  * Podiatrist possible trademark infringement: Shaun to check the
> trademark details for the GNOME logo and update the licensing page on the
> website
>  * Allan to make a proposal for a different way to use the wiki/etherpad
> for action items, instead of using kanboard
>  * Create a webpage for prior pants winners (Shaun and Allan)
>  * Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of
> the CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly events
>  * Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
>  * Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which
> we handle money
>  * Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
>  * Andrea to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
>  * Allan will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
>  * Cosimo to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME
> conferences to discuss on foundation-list
>  * Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
>  * Sri to coordinate with engagement team to better standardize the
> licensing of GNOME artwork

These are all great stuff, but you really need to start handing them out to
foundation members.  Some of these things can be delegated to other
members.  Spread the love.

I'm happy to volunteer people. ;)  (which I am going to do in regards to
the  GNOME artwork action item)


> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Debian Developer,
> Fedora / EPEL packager,
> GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
> Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av
> _______________________________________________
> foundation-announce mailing list
> foundation-annou...@gnome.org
> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/foundation-announce
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