I tried VNC awhile back on an AW51E.  It worked pretty well, but I ran it in
daemon mode, and it had a tendency to die unexpectedly when no one was
connected.  I plan to do more experimentation on it when I get some time.

As a side note, I frequently use the Solaris VNC client to take control of my
desktop PC so I can read e-mail, look at FoxDoc (since its updater doesn't run
on Solaris -- grrr), etc. while "in the hole" doing configuration...


Fitzgerrell Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/28/2001 05:18:21 AM

Please respond to Foxboro DCS Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List <Foxboro
Subject:  RE: Portable PC


That Mobil Workstation was pulled from the product lineup in January I
believe.  I had several interested customers down here, and when I
asked I was told that it had been discontinued because of low sales,
and that COT solutions were available that weren't fundamentally
different so we would no longer offer a Foxboro branded solution.

Out of curiosity, have you ever tried VNC on an I/A system?  I see
there is a VNC client for both Palm and WinCE, and a VNC server for
Solaris 2.5.1.  I imagine a Handspring Visor or PocketPC with a
wireless ethernet card running a VNC client would be a pretty
convenient tool.


Kevin FitzGerrell
Foxboro NZ

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