L wrote:
under the documents (who wouldn't?).

The author, for one :-)

The commenting system puts extra load on the server which I don't want.

Amazon.com has a patent on one click shopping, I believe. I think I know why.

Well, with the FindPart function, back 7 months ago.. I found an error in the 
regarding the Result/Return value. I reported it - but was too lazy to submit a
patch. And guess what, the findpart error in the documentation is still there 
7 months later.

Wait a minute - *lazy* is actually the wrong word. Forget I said lazy. I'm far 
lazy. I'm a hard worker. And yet my animal instinct still tells me that making 
a doc
patch via the current setup, or adding a comment via the current setup, is not
natural. My instinct, as an animal, is to leave the error in the docs and move 
on to
other things. It's not one click shopping.

But if you only leave a comment, it still isn't fixed in the source (of the documentation). This means next release still will contain, because the comments are not part of the distributed docs.

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