Op Fri, 17 Mar 2006, schreef Alexander Todorov:

> On 3/17/06, Daniël Mantione <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't plan to put effort in OpenMP support; I don't see the need
> > for an external library to be able to do multithreaded programming. Focus
> > here should be on 100% Pascal implementations.
> Am I missing something here ? OpenMP is a standard not a library. It
> uses fork-join model, which is a task of the compiler not external
> library. MPI though uses an external library. Correct me if I am
> wrong.

It is a combination of a language extension and a library. The language 
extensions are of course only defined C and Fortran, so this part would 
need to be redesigned for Pascal.

Then we have the library, for which what I wrote applies; I doubt if there 
is a desire for an external C library to get multithreaded programs. Ok, 
the standard only specifies the interface (in C & Fortran). You can 
implement an openMP inspired library in Pascal, but I think we 
would better design something that fits well with the existing 
multithreading facilities in Pascal.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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