Jonas Maebe wrote:
On 19 Oct 2007, at 11:00, Micha Nelissen wrote:

Elaborate please ? You mean debugging of the compiler, but don't you always work on new compilers ? When debugging, you could copy the ppu to the "old" RTL if you're using an old RTL with a new compiler ?

My global install of FPC 2.2.0 does not include this unit. Compiling it with 2.2.0 and adding it to my global installation is what I consider needlessly complex

This was not my intention. I thought you meant with "debugging difficulty" you were trying to debug the RTL by comparing the compiler behaviour with two different RTLs or so.

Since the compiler is always compiled using its own RTL (you only need a starting compiler binary, but you know this of course); I don't see where the global installed RTL is used (and would perhaps need modification) ?

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