Fabio Dell'Aria wrote:
Can you tell we more about the iirc gdb please?

IIRC -> If I Recall Correctly

This is about plain gdb, since fpide uses gdblib I don't know if it counts foir that too.

Anyway, on my fedora core, I've the option to install a somelib-debuginfo package. This package installs

I didn't read the gdb info again, but from what I recal, gdb automagically searches for any path+lib loaded in /usr/lib/debug
if this path+lib.debug exists. If so, it uses that as symbol source.
Further, it looks in /usr/src/debug/ for sources.

This is why I wondered about the statement that the debugger doesn't support it.


2008/1/13, Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Daniël Mantione wrote:

Op Sat, 12 Jan 2008, schreef Fabio Dell'Aria:

OK, but why do not add the debug info in an external file (conform to
stabs/dwarf specification)?
Because the debugger doesn't support this; the compiler can do it, but,
without debugger support it is useless.
iirc gdb (at least on linux) supports this. This is how I debug gdk libs.


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