On 21 Mar 2009, at 13:58, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 21 Mar 2009, at 10:38, dmitry boyarintsev wrote:

Also, i'm not experienced in compiling fp-cross-compilers, but is it
possile to build ppcarm (for darwin) from svn trunk?

1) copy /Developer/FreePascalCompiler/iPhoneSnapshot-2.3.1-r12531/ Source/rtl/darwin/arm/sig_cpu.inc to the rtl/darwin/arm directory of your svn checkout (that file was generated when you installed the FPC iPhone SDK integration kit) 2) in the top level fpc directory of your checkout, execute the following (in the first line, replace "/iphone2.1" with the name of the actual directory where you installed the iPhone SDK):

export IPHONEPLATFORMBASEDIR=/iphone2.1/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/ Developer make FPC=your_ppc386_2.3.1 CPU_TARGET=arm CROSSOPT="-FD$ {IPHONEPLATFORMBASEDIR}/usr/bin -XR${IPHONEPLATFORMBASEDIR}/SDKs/ iPhoneOS2.0.sdk/ -ap" all

And to install it afterwards:

make FPC=`pwd`/compiler/ppcrossarm OPT="-ap" CPU_TARGET=arm CROSSOPT="- FD${IPHONEPLATFORMBASEDIR}/usr/bin -XR${IPHONEPLATFORMBASEDIR}/SDKs/ iPhoneOS2.0.sdk/ -ap" install CROSSINSTALL=1

(possibly with an INSTALL_PREFIX=xyz at the end to install it under "xyz" rather than under /usr/local)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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