On 03 May 2009, at 04:28, Alexander Klenin wrote:

While fixing http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=13619,
Jonas did not apply neither code cleanup not comment fix parts of it.

It's mainly because I saw the patch only after I already looked up the Delphi declaration and fixed the code myself. I didn't consider the other changes that important to revert my changes, apply yours and then run the testsuite again. I did intend to manually apply the Playthingies -> Miscelaneous change manually, but somehow forgot about it. I'll do it now.

Are such changes not wanted?
I did not made a separate patch for them -- should I?

No, that's generally not necessary.

On a more generic note -- will massive code reformatting patches be accepted?

I'm not sure. But if they should be done, now would probably be a good time given that merging from trunk to fixes is already fairly hard anyway (at least for the compiler), and I don't really see a 2.2.6 happening (although I'm sure other developers disagree with the latter).

Like, e.g. changing keywords to lower case?
And, more importantly, changing class/function names to CamelCase?

There's no real standard in FPC regarding the casing of class/function names. Some files use camel case, others lowercase, and a few Java- style (first character lower case, rest camel case). I personally prefer lowercase these days.

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