On 21 Apr 2009, at 16:47, Stefan Kisdaroczi wrote:

FindFirst from fpc 2.2.4 returns zero (file found) and an empty Name if I search for files in a empty directory.
With fpc 2.2.2 FindFirst returns -1 as expected.

Im using Debian Lenny (i386) and installed the 2.2.4 *.deb's from the freepascal ftp site.

The following program is quiet with fpc 2.2.2, with 2.2.4 the output is:
Found:  Len=0

Can someone please confirm this. Thank you.

I can confirm this behaviour, but it has been fixed already in 2.3.1 in the mean time.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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