On 31 May 2009, at 09:29, Sergei Gorelkin wrote:

Inoussa OUEDRAOGO wrote:
At http://blogs.embarcadero.com/abauer/2009/05/29/38888
This could drastically reduce Lazarus executable size.
Doubt that. Just another feature ported from .NET,

I don't think it is very specific to .NET. We use similar techniques for e.g. cthreads and cwstring under Unix. And I also used it in the fix for http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=12704

Besides, FPC already has the WPO.

WPO can sometimes help a little in such situations, but not very much.

Has anyone tried it on Lazarus?

Yes, the but the results are not very impressive. The reason is due to the way the LCL is constructed, almost every declared class can theoretically be instantiated. On the other hand, I read that recently the LCL was restructured a bit to improve the situation, so maybe the results would be better now.

Also note that WPO can do little about published methods (since it must assume that these can all be called via RTTI).

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