2009/6/1 Paul Ishenin <i...@kmiac.ru>:
> I am wondering why not to try?
> type
>  TMyClass = class(TObject)
>  end deprecated;

I tried, but get a compiler error. :-(  It would be very handy though.
Especially in tiOPF (and probably FPC and LCL as well), we have old
classes that have since been renamed or refactored that they are not
needed anymore. I would like to encourage developers to use the newer
classes instead.

> As I know you can deprecate any symbol and even unit.

How do you mark a unit as deprecated?
In the user.pdf I have seen many references to units being deprecated
(eg: graph, oldlinux, etc), but I have only seen that being mentioned
in the documentation. There doesn't seem to be any compiler reference
or deprecated keyword marking that unit as deprecated. Or I clearly
missed something. ;-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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