On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:59, Marco van de Voort <> wrote:

> In our previous episode, ik said:
> > There are sometimes way to "see" that you have memory leak in a code
> without
> > using any sort of profiler.
> > For example using new/getmem on a local variable without releasing it
> etc...
> >
> > Does FPC know how to find this places on compile time and at least issue
> a
> > warning about it ?
> Is this a suitable task for a compiler? Maybe it is a task better suited to
> an external profiler.

Well I find myself forgetting from time to time to close allocated memory on
a local variable, and a nice warning can make it easier to figure out then
running code and finding it after x amount of execution time (and using the
feature that uses that code).

So, I do not know if it's really a compiler task, but it sure can help :)

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