On Thu, 20 May 2010, Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

On Thu, 20 May 2010, Florian Klaempfl wrote:

michael.vancann...@wisa.be schrieb:

I need a solution that works with current GUI, current libraries and
whatnot. What you propose is re-doing the work of 10 years, which is
obviously not feasable.

Can you give a real world example what you want to do with it?

Like I said, observe TMemo.Strings for changes.

Doesn't the OnChange event solve this for gui classes already?

Yes, but it is too primitive. We need a unified interface, universally applicable.

Not every change. What you get notified about is defined by the class
that uses the observable interface.

Is this still an observer then?

Of course. It observes changes. When you look at a thermometer, you
don't expect to be notified that it's color changes (through age), but just that the temperature changes :-)

and TList/TObjectList as well.

They are no TPersistent descendents.

I know, but they will expose the same interface as TPersistent.

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