28.11.2011 14:26, Sven Barth пишет:
Am 28.11.2011 12:02, schrieb Michael Müller:
Additionally, if you use the -gt command line option then the compiler will 
overwrite the
contents of (non-reference-counted) out-parameters in the function entry code. 
This switch will
do nothing for open array parameters though, because it lacks support for using the 
hidden "high"
parameter to determine the bounds of the array at run time.

I don't understand this restriction. In the code High() works for open arrays 
at run time.

I suppose that the "-gt" code is generated on a lower level, so it can't just 
use High(), but would
need to access the hidden parameter that contains the array length directly. 
And that part is simply
not implemented, so open arrays are not handled.

Yes, this is simply an unimplemented feature.


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