On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02.05.2012 15:41, Marcos Douglas wrote:
>>> This last one is bad advice, this code will break as soon as they switch to
>>> 2.6.3. Which, presumably, eventually they will.
>>> If you really want to avoid the messages, it is better to use TBookmark,
>>> GetBookmarkData and FreeBookmark.
>>> That will not generate warnings and will continue to work with 2.6.3.
>> Well, that was the way I chose.
> Please don't forget to call FreeBookmark() in a try ... finally block
> otherwise there will be memory leaks in case of exceptions.

Yes, I do this always.
This is not the best way, I agree, but works.

>>> Or you can simply ignore the warnings, which is by far the easiest option.
>>> I can't believe people are making such fuss over a couple of warnings.
>>> Michael.
>> The problem, for me, would be break the sources in production.
>> If GetBookmarkData and FreeBookmark will continue work so, that is
>> what I will use.
> You could define a "bookmarkty" alias yourself if Lazarus does not
> provide it.

This is one idea, yes. But I will wait the finish of this history and
what will be decided.

Marcos Douglas
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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