I have made an attempt at fixing an AVR related bug.  Since this is my
first attempt at messing with the compiler, I would like a review and
critique of my attempt.

The bug seems to be caused by the absence of the MUL instruction for
the limited AVR subarchitectures (avr1 - avr35). As far as I could see
there is no fallback code for the case where CPUAVR_HAS_MUL is not
defined for an 8 bit MUL operation.  I have copied the code for the
corresponding 16 bit MUL branch, then copied and adapted the pascal
code for fpc_mul_xxx etc in rtl/inc/generic.inc and added declarations
to rtl/inc/generic.inc.

Can anyone see any problems with this approach, or perhaps suggest a
better approach to fix this bug?

Index: compiler/avr/cgcpu.pas
--- compiler/avr/cgcpu.pas	(revision 36776)
+++ compiler/avr/cgcpu.pas	(working copy)
@@ -609,7 +609,36 @@
-                     internalerror(2015061001);
+                     begin
+                       { keep code for muls with overflow checking }
+                       if size=OS_8 then
+                         pd:=search_system_proc('fpc_mul_byte')
+                       else
+                          pd:=search_system_proc('fpc_mul_shortint');
+                       paraloc1.init;
+                       paraloc2.init;
+                       paramanager.getintparaloc(list,pd,1,paraloc1);
+                       paramanager.getintparaloc(list,pd,2,paraloc2);
+                       a_load_reg_cgpara(list,OS_8,src,paraloc2);
+                       a_load_reg_cgpara(list,OS_8,dst,paraloc1);
+                       paramanager.freecgpara(list,paraloc2);
+                       paramanager.freecgpara(list,paraloc1);
+                       alloccpuregisters(list,R_INTREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_default));
+                       if size=OS_8 then
+                         a_call_name(list,'FPC_MUL_BYTE',false)
+                       else
+                         a_call_name(list,'FPC_MUL_SHORTINT',false);
+                       dealloccpuregisters(list,R_INTREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_default));
+                       cg.a_reg_alloc(list,NR_R24);
+                       cg.a_reg_alloc(list,NR_R25);
+                       cg.a_load_reg_reg(list,OS_8,OS_8,NR_R24,dst);
+                       cg.a_reg_dealloc(list,NR_R24);
+                       cg.a_load_reg_reg(list,OS_8,OS_8,NR_R25,GetNextReg(dst));
+                       cg.a_reg_dealloc(list,NR_R25);
+                       paraloc2.done;
+                       paraloc1.done;
+                     end;
+                     //internalerror(2015061001);
                else if size in [OS_16,OS_S16] then
Index: rtl/inc/compproc.inc
--- rtl/inc/compproc.inc	(revision 36776)
+++ rtl/inc/compproc.inc	(working copy)
@@ -598,6 +598,14 @@
 function fpc_mul_longint(f1,f2 : longint;checkoverflow : boolean) : longint; compilerproc;
 function fpc_mul_dword(f1,f2 : dword;checkoverflow : boolean) : dword; compilerproc;
 {$else VER3_0}
+{$if defined(CPUAVR) and not defined(CPUAVR_HAS_MUL)}
+function fpc_mul_shortint(f1,f2 : shortint) : shortint; compilerproc;
+function fpc_mul_shortint_checkoverflow(f1,f2 : shortint) : shortint; compilerproc;
+function fpc_mul_byte(f1,f2 : byte) : byte; compilerproc;
+function fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow(f1,f2 : byte) : byte; compilerproc;
+{$endif CPUAVR_HAS_MUL}
 function fpc_mul_integer(f1,f2 : integer) : integer; compilerproc;
 function fpc_mul_integer_checkoverflow(f1,f2 : integer) : integer; compilerproc;
 function fpc_mul_word(f1,f2 : word) : word; compilerproc;
Index: rtl/inc/generic.inc
--- rtl/inc/generic.inc	(revision 36776)
+++ rtl/inc/generic.inc	(working copy)
@@ -1500,6 +1500,109 @@
 {$else VER3_0}
+{$if defined(CPUAVR) AND not defined(CPUAVR_HAS_MUL)}
+    function fpc_mul_shortint(f1,f2 : shortint) : shortint;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_SHORTINT']; compilerproc;
+      begin
+        { there's no difference between signed and unsigned multiplication,
+          when the destination size is equal to the source size and overflow
+          checking is off }
+        { byte(f1) * byte(f2) is coded as a call to mulword }
+        fpc_mul_shortint := shortint(byte(f1) * byte(f2));
+      end;
+    function fpc_mul_shortint_checkoverflow(f1,f2 : shortint) : shortint;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_SHORTINT_CHECKOVERFLOW']; compilerproc;
+      var
+        sign : boolean;
+        q1,q2,q3 : byte;
+      begin
+        sign:=false;
+        if f1 < 0 then
+          begin
+            sign := not(sign);
+            q1 := byte(-f1);
+          end
+        else
+          q1 := f1;
+        if f2 < 0 then
+          begin
+            sign := not(sign);
+            q2 := byte(-f2);
+          end
+        else
+          q2 := f2;
+        { the q1*q2 is coded as call to mulword }
+        q3 := q1 * q2;
+        if (q1 <> 0) and (q2 <> 0) and
+          ((q1 > q3) or (q2 > q3) or
+          { the bit 63 can be only set if we have $8000 }
+          { and sign is true                            }
+          (q3 shr 15 <> 0) and
+           ((q3 <> byte(byte(1) shl 7)) or not(sign))
+          ) then
+          HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(215,get_pc_addr,get_frame);
+        if sign then
+          fpc_mul_shortint_checkoverflow := -q3
+        else
+          fpc_mul_shortint_checkoverflow := q3;
+      end;
+    function fpc_mul_byte(f1,f2 : byte) : byte;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_BYTE']; compilerproc;
+      var
+        _f1, bitpos : byte;
+        b : byte;
+      begin
+        fpc_mul_byte := 0;
+        bitpos := 1;
+        for b := 0 to 7 do
+          begin
+            if (f2 and bitpos) <> 0 then
+              begin
+                _f1 := fpc_mul_byte;
+                fpc_mul_byte := fpc_mul_byte + f1;
+              end;
+            f1 := f1 shl 1;
+            bitpos := bitpos shl 1;
+          end;
+      end;
+    function fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow(f1,f2 : byte) : byte;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_BYTE_CHECKOVERFLOW']; compilerproc;
+      var
+        _f1, bitpos : byte;
+        b : byte;
+        f1overflowed : boolean;
+      begin
+        fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow := 0;
+        bitpos := 1;
+        f1overflowed := false;
+        for b := 0 to 7 do
+          begin
+            if (f2 and bitpos) <> 0 then
+              begin
+                _f1 := fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow;
+                fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow := fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow + f1;
+                { if one of the operands is greater than the result an
+                  overflow occurs                                      }
+                if f1overflowed or ((_f1<>0) and (f1<>0) and
+                  ((_f1 > fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow) or (f1 > fpc_mul_byte_checkoverflow))) then
+                  HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(215,get_pc_addr,get_frame);
+              end;
+            { when bootstrapping, we forget about overflow checking for qword :) }  // CONFIRM BELOW
+            f1overflowed := f1overflowed or ((f1 and (1 shl 15)) <> 0);
+            f1 := f1 shl 1;
+            bitpos := bitpos shl 1;
+          end;
+      end;
+{$endif CPUAVR_HAS_MUL}
     function fpc_mul_integer(f1,f2 : integer) : integer;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_INTEGER']; compilerproc;
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