Op 2018-12-15 om 19:01 schreef Martok:
memory manager in daily use. Doing that is a C++-ism that shouldn't exist in a
sane environment ;-)

I just tested something, and I'm a surprised by how big the difference is. This
simple test is 1.5 times slower in FPC/trunk/win32 than Delphi 2007 and 2.8
times slower for instances of TComponent. Medium-size GetMemory (I tested 123
bytes) is 22 times slower in FPC.
Looks like there is quite some potential there.

I'm no expert, but afaik creating an object involves an exception frame, which is afaik cheaper in Delphi with SEH, then FPC with setjmp.

The test should probably be repeated with a FPC recompiled with OPTS="-dTEST_WIN32_SEH"

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