Hi Fpc Developers',

Nobody is talking about the string content.

But when they are stored together, that is the same. You can't get one without the other.

When core A creates a string to pass to core B, core A writes three things: ref count 1, the string content and the incremented ref count 2.

If core B could see stale data after the second write (with ref count 1), it could also see stale data after the first write (without content). Nothing changes on core B between the writes.

It's only about the reference count right now and that one *can* differ between cores if that isn't correctly handled (even if the string content stays the same).

Sure one core can read 2 after the other core wrote 1.

I do not see how a core can read 1 after a 2 was written.


Am 03.01.19 um 14:23 schrieb Sven Barth via fpc-devel:
Am Do., 3. Jan. 2019, 13:25 hat Benito van der Zander <ben...@benibela.de <mailto:ben...@benibela.de>> geschrieben:


    The issue I was talking about is the fact that atomic operations
    do function as global memory synchronisation operations across
    all cores (at least not on all architectures). If core 1
    atomatically increases refcount to two and you "then" load the
    same refcount normally (without an atomic read-modify-exchange
    oepration) on another core, this other core may still see the old

    Is that really so?

    The ref count is stored in the same memory block as the string itself.

    If core 2 could not see the new ref count, it could not see what
    is in the string and thus not use the string for anything .

Nobody is talking about the string content. It's only about the reference count right now and that one *can* differ between cores if that isn't correctly handled (even if the string content stays the same).


fpc-devel maillist  -fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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