Am Sa., 16. Feb. 2019, 23:44 hat Benito van der Zander <>

> but we try as much as possible to break old code.
> I have noticed that. All my code has been broken by the codepage aware
> strings and TEncoding

Introduction of the codepage aware AnsiString was one of the disruptive
changes that couldn't really be avoided.
And TEncoding can't have broken anything as that was only introduced then
(and one doesn't even need to use it when working with strings).

> and FPC's goal to remain Delphi-compatible.
> So are inline variables coming soon?

We have already decided internally that this feature is where we draw the
line. We won't implement it and we are also inclined to say "patches *not*
welcome" for that.

fpc-devel maillist  -

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