On Sun, 10 Mar 2019, Bart wrote:


Please, a single patch with full solution for unicode & ansistring.

You misundersdtand me here, I think.
The patch I mentioned does not concern the Unicode issue at hand.
The patch file however has a chunk of unaltered code in it, and in
_that_ code there is one Utf8Encode.

That is indeed a misunderstanding.

If the patch to remove Utf8Encode
(https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=35213) is applied before the
patch in https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=35022 , that latter
one becomes invalid, since it references a code-block that is no
longer there.

If however, OTOH, you do no want to apply the patch from
https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=35213 because you want an "all
containing" patch for that issue, I am a bit puzzled:
1. The proposed patch resolves a regression. This in itself is IMHO a
reason to apply it as is.

It does not resolve a regression.

The current behaviour is a bugfix for a reported bug.

Your patch to undo it will maybe resolve one situation, but reintroduces the
other bug. So instead of you, someone else will now be annoyed...

2. Joost applied the patch to remove Utf8Decode.

Well, if Joost wants to take care of it, great:
I have unassigned all TRegistry related bugs I assigned to myself.

I don't ever use the registry, so in that sense you are right it is indeed not sexy enough to worry about it :-)

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