Am 20.07.2019 um 18:38 schrieb Ondrej Pokorny:

The old Wiki page should propably be updated to reflect the current state of affairs...

I deleted the old information (nearly everything) and put a link to the new Wiki page there.

Probably for the best ;)

You can also take a look at Delphi tutorials. The only difference is that we provide access through the TypInfo unit as well while Delphi officially only supports the Rtti unit.

I am familiar with Delphi attributes - I didn't expect the FPC attributes to be Delphi-compatible. Thanks again!
As if we'd implement a big feature like that in a incompatible way... The proposal in the Wiki was before Delphi added attributes and Joost implemented them in a Delphi-compatible way from the get go.

fpc-devel maillist  -

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