It's funny - for some reason I was expecting a lot of opposition!

I knew about FillChar being written in assembly langauge and know from experience that FPC will never support the inlining of pure assembler routines (as Florian said, it will just open a huge can of worms).  My thought was how to get around the intrinsic and procedure having the same name, since I can't just rename the procedure to, say, _fpc_fillchar because that will break backward compatibility in some situations.

While I'm a little wary about hard-coded constructs like "if proc = System.FillChar then ReplaceWithIntrinsic" since it seems inflexible, this is probably one of those times that it's justified, and as people have said, it's been done with Insert and Delete aready.

Even if inlining or pure functions were a thing (that's still on my agenda), it wouldn't work with FillChar due to the assembly language.  Also, things like checking a variable's memory alignment wouldn't be able to be optimised out without additional information from the compiler that's generally only available at the node level (in the compiler, a type's base alignment is a property you can very quickly retrieve, without having to go through the mess of checking to see if the base register is RSP and the offset some multiple of 8 or something).

Sounds like something to start experimenting with!

Gareth aka. Kit

P.S. I also worked out that the reason why PXOR; MOVDQU is slower than just setting the fields manually is also because there's a pipeline stall between PXOR and MOVDQU, whereas just writing 0 to a load of memory locations using MOV doesn't have this problem.

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