
Has anybody thought of doing this or maybe done it already?  I noticed
the Git help is written in plain text and uses asciidoc to generate
Unix ManPages, HTML, PDF, DocBook etc...

I guess in a way it's similar to LaTeX or wiki's. Plain text content
which gets used to generate various other formats (yes I know LaTeX is
a lot more advanced than that). I've already written a wiki in Free
Pasacl which uses a subset of the Creole markup, which is the same
idea as asciidoc I guess. The nice thing of asciidoc and Creole is
that it's very readable, even in the plain text format.

The not-so-nice thing about asciidoc is that it has a huge dependency
list just to get it to run. If only those asciidoc developers knew
about Free Pascal, they could have removed pretty much all
dependencies and only require FPC. Those idiots. :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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