On 2017-04-12 08:26, Lukasz Sokol wrote:
On 12/04/17 13:37, nore...@z505.com wrote:
On 2017-04-12 07:01, fredvs wrote:

There is also a free-open-source project : espeak :

The licence is GNU General Public License so you may use the
executable like you want.

The GPL is a restrictive license, so you may not use it like you

Don't want to sound like a GPL zealot, b/c I'm not...

but this (and below) is mostly 'depends' : on how you want the
software model to work, how do you value feedback, and how do you
care of people taking advantage of your code in various ways,
without you knowing it.

There, that's about as neutral as I dare to name it ;)

(I also tend to trust GPL/LGPL/MPL released programs more than I'd do
 with anything 'less restrictive' - from end user perspective)

I find a lot of GPL applications to be low quality, half assed works, as no one is paid to work on these programs since GPL sets a price monopoly of zero dollars on the product.

But there are some high quality GPL apps out there.

It's just that when people are paid to work on products, you get super high quality software such as say, oh I don't know, Adobe graphics editing tools such as photoshop, adobe pdf reader (acrobat). Compare that to the absolute sh(t tools on unix that are GPL'd such as the old ghostscript reader or clunky GIMP.

Now, paid software does end up producing Bloatware and featuritis though, whereas BSD tools remain simple without as many knobs and featuritis.

But a sh*t tool like midnight commander at the command prompt is just no comparison to a paid product like Total Commander which is by far superior in all ways to going back to the dark ages and using a text mode norton commander gpl program... But then again, you have a GPL'd Double Commander which is a very nice tool. See the problem with Double Commander is it violates its own license. Double Commander allows you to load pretty much any Total Commander plugin, and that itself is a violation of the GPL because those plugins are not GPL, (many of them) and therefore you are violating the GPL by loading non gpl compatible plugin dll's... So if double commander was just a "Do anything the f*ck you want with it" license, such as bsd/mit, then there would be no violation, hence the superiority of a truly free license like mit/bsd.

All the little double commander users (myself included) are constantly violating every single word and line in the GPL by loading non gpl compatible total commander plugins, but no one cares, because GPL violations happen every single day, thousands of them, and people actually use GPL software more like bsd/mit software - just no one actually reports these violations nor gives a flying sh*t or a flying f*ck..

Yeah, in practice, everyone uses GPL code as if it was bsd/mit licensed.

Another example is THE INTERNET, where all gpl code on the internet is hidden from site. Businesses use gpl code to run their website software programs and never release any of the gpl code and keep it secret from you on their servers, because apparently according to the Great Richard Stallman, you can ship your web program to people without releasing the source since it is just a pipe of text, but any time you pipe stuff over X11 you have to release the sources. It's called hypocrisy...

Or, some call it "GNG is Not GNU"

No offenses intended to you personally, it's just that most people do not actually understand the GPL and are using all this GPL'd code as if it was bsd/mit licensed, when really it's not.

Double Commander is the perfect example of where GPL cripples the application and people do not even realize it, because they just go ahead and violate the GPL and don't care. Any time anyone loads a non gpl compatible plugin into double commander, which they do daily.. they are violating the gpl. If it was bsd/mit licensed, there would be no worry, you'd just do whatever the f*ck you want and get on with life :-)

That's what I call freedom.

But as for the actual criminal gang stalkers who write GPL code such as the openbsd developers.... Let's just say that people who write good code, are not necessarily the best people to actually have personal relationships with in real life. I don't know about freebsd developers or dragonflybsd developers or mozilla/gpl developers. Basically all humans deserve hell roast for being socially inept.
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