Am 2017-05-24 um 15:28 schrieb Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR):
> Strings are a library feature, with syntax sugar on top of it. Nothing
> stops you to implement Pascal-alike strings in C, minus the syntax sugar.
> In fact I'm willing to bet, there are some libs out there already, ready
> to be used. In fact, see what someone wrote about UTF-8 later in the
> thread, pretty sure you can just pull in an UTF-8 string library in your
> project and run with it...

Then why hasn't it been added to the C language definition yet?

At Turbo Pascal times I also added routines for variable length arrays
but because of getmem etc. I lost range checking etc.
It was an ugly hack (nevertheless the only way to handle such arrays at that time).

Now with dynamic arrays I am so much happier.

Why weren't such things added to C decades ago?

fpc-other maillist  -

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