On 27/10/17 10:15, Santiago A. wrote:

So, again, what has Postgres that Firebird hasn't? I have worked with
firebird a lot, but not with Postgres, it will be interesting a review
of someone who has worked with both.

Aggressively-tested compliance with SQL "correctness", including regression testing as standard. Transactional robustness, which is something they had a /long/ time before the competition. A rich palette of data types, character sets, timezones etc., and predefined functions to manipulate them. Analytic windowing functions, replication, connection pooling and so on. Fairly extensive third-party extensions for GIS, statistical etc. support. And that's just from memory, without referring to any advocacy documents.

Decent documentation in one place, which is something that I found to be a particular issue with Firebird when I looked at it perhaps four years ago. https://www.postgresql.org/

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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