On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 12:32:59AM +0200, Stefan Becker wrote:
> dear Pascal'ers,
> I've just searched the net and freepascal.org in the hope of finding some
> info on what and how to set up a working environment with linux.
> So far I've done all my editing and debuging on a DOS machine with
> Borland 7.0 - and "just" recompiling my applications with freepascal
> for linux. 
> I want to go to a pure linux environment - so now the question.....
> What editor or program should I use and work my way into?
> It would be nice to have a debugger also.  Is there any
> "finished" packages that I could use?
> The FreePascal website talks about a "fp IDE" and I remember
> seeing it for DOS.  Does this exist for linux?  

vim is a nice text editor for sources and support pascal syntax
highlighting. I think there is an IDE for Linux though, you'll find it
on the Free Pascal website.

There's also Lazarus that'll you find as well which you can use. It's
similar in many ways to Delphi and can be used for all your development
and gui needs (though I have not used it yet).

As far as a debugger goes, simply use gdb.


> many thanks,
> Stefan Becker
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-If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40.
-If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.

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