On Sat, 2 Jan 2010, Juha Manninen wrote:

On lauantai, 2. tammikuuta 2010 04:53:16 Doug Chamberlin wrote:
For my new year's resolution I'm going to commit to FPC and Lazarus. So,
I'm installing the latest in a fresh Ubuntu 9.10 VM and diving in. I'll
be pushing all this software hard and will probably be coming here for

First problem: I downloaded the 32bit Linux (fpc-2.4.0.i386-linux.tar)
and unpacked it into "~/ins/fpc 2.4.0" and ran "sudo ./install.sh".
Immediately I ran into a problem because the directory I was installing
from contained an embedded space in the name.

It really should be documented as a requirement to not have embedded
spaces. Or, better yet, the install script should be updated to allow
for them. Or, at least, the install script should be updated to detect
them and stop gracefully.

How can we get this done?

As far as I can see there is NO documentation in the installation
tarball. Just the install script. Can't a readme file be added with this
little detail?

I also looked at FPC page and wiki page and there are no instructions for
installation! How is it possible?
The only link for FPC installation is buried under Lazarus documentation (!) :
which is even too detailed as the wiki page mentions.

I guess you didn't read the documentation then.

It is published on the website:


Chapter 2 is all about installing.

In particular, section 2.2.1 says something about installing in a directory 
containing spaces in its name:


Things are easy if there is a distro package for FPC. I am sure the main
distros will have a package for fpc 2.4.0 in few days.

Otherwise, installation should be documented. I never installed from a tar
pack but I did install the latest development version from SVN. It was easy to
install by running "make all" and "make install". But, it was not documented!
I made a guess and started "make all" and then asked from this list if I am
doing the right thing. The answer was: Yes.
Why can't there be a README.TXT file at SVN root directory saying it?

Because it is so obvious that no-one bothered to document it in an extra file.
If you made it to the point that you extracted the source from SVN, you should
know what to do next.

If I see a makefile, I always do 2 things:
make all
make install
If I see a 'configure' script, I do
configure --help
and after studying the options:
./configure --options-I-need
Which normally leaves me with the makefile. At which point: see above.

This is general programming knowledge. Someone who doesn't know that should not be installing from sources or attempt recompiling a compiler: they should use a pre-packaged version instead. If they want to try anyway: Sure, and it is a great learning experience. For those that want to learn, compiling the compiler is treated in the programmer's reference:


So saying that it is not documented is overstretching it a bit.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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