On Fri, 2010-02-26 at 09:56 +0200, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi,
> There are a few regex units include with FPC and Lazarus, and dozens more
> available for Delphi (and probably FPC too).
> Which one is the most well known, or best to use, or most feature complete
> regarding syntax etc...?
>  * <fpcsrc>/packages/regexpr/src/old/regexpr.pp
>  * <fpcsrc>/packages/regexpr/src/regexp.pp


The regexp unit is a wrapper for backwards compatibility.

If you want to know something about speed, use the shootout. Although
for some reason the implementation for regex-dna is not submitted to the
shootout. But you can find the source in <fpcsrc>/tests/bench/shootout.


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