On 07/10/2011 15:53, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
> Sure, but why add to the aggravation - SVN diff doesn't do this, so one
> less difference to worry about:

It's still in the universal patch format, with or without the path
prefixes. Also nobody should commit a patch blindly. They should review
the patch, at which point they will also have to take note of where the
patch should be applied (root src directory, some other sub directory,
same directory as the changed file etc.). By the time they actually
commit the patch they will know what patch command to use.

I don't consider any of this an aggravation or extra annoyance - just
the standard procedure for reviewing and applying any patch. So even
though you went to extra effort in creating your patch (kudos to you),
it hardly makes a difference to the person applying the patch.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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