----- "Graeme Geldenhuys" <graemeg.li...@gmail.com> schreef:

> On 9 December 2011 10:42, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho  wrote:
> >
> > It is specifically written in the Delphi documentation that Random
> > should not be utilized for encryption...
> Delphi documentation mentions a lot of things you mustn't do... Does
> that stop anybody. ;-)

only those that take their jobs seriously and read help/manuals iso assuming? 

> Like I said, I didn't write that code, and I don't specialise in
> encryption algorithms. But Florian might be right, the RandSeed
> assignment might have been added due to the bad random generator of
> Delphi - hopefully the original author of the code can shed some
> light.

I actually doubt that that codesnippet does any real encryption. From what I 
understand from it (with the provided code and assuming types), the 
source-message is bitstreamed. In the resulting message, the LSB of every 
octet/byte/8-bitvalue is the one you need to focus on, the rest is random data. 
Also, as a result, the result-message is 8 times as large. And that LSB is also 
easily decrypted => 
parse the LSB from every byte in your data and reconstruct using OR the (index 
mod 8)-th bit on the (index div 8) octet.

hardly encrypted ;-)

kind regards,
Dimitri Smits
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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