Adrian Maier wrote:
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:45, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<> wrote:
Adrian Maier wrote:

I wanted to download the latest freepascal for Sparc Solaris .

Issue 1:
Opened the    ,   clicked on
the "SPARC Solaris"  link.
It opened the page for selecting the mirror.
Clicked on Sourceforge  , which lead to  :

The problem here is that this page doesn't seem to contain any Solaris
stuff   .

Issue 2:
I went back to the mirror selection,  and clicked on  .
This link is ok ,   but it contains  the 2.4.2 sparc solaris FPC  .

This is not consistent with the main download page
(   , which implies that  2.6.0
 is available for the entire list of platforms and operating systems
(which includes the SPARC solaris ... ).

Perhaps it's worth taking a look at the download page ,  so that it
presents in a clearer way which FPC version is available for each
platform ?   For example create a separate section for the
less-supported platforms.    The way it is now,  it implies that 2.6
is available for all the platforms  - which is unfortunately false.

I currently have ssh access to some Sparc Solaris servers.   Does it
involve a lot of work to create the solaris builds ?

I don't know to what extent anybody is routinely producing Solaris/SPARC
releases. I try to test the compiler on v10 (and to a limited extent on v8)
on a fairly regular basis, but I started off with [checks] 2.4.2, had to do
a bit of hacking to get it installed (see and then compiled newer
versions from there.

The server is a SunOS 5.10  .   Uname   -a   :
     SunOS  bebrxsu005   5.10 Generic_147440-07 sun4u sparc
SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise Solaris

I'll  try to find some time for installing the 2.4.2  and building the
2.6.   Thanks for the link  :  the comments will be useful in case i
encounter problems .

If you get stuck having a copy of my fpc.cfg might help. Email me in the address in my sig (below), I'll be at my desk intermittently.

In practical terms, you might need to be on 2.7 since there are a couple of
code generation bugs that weren't backported to 2.6- this affects both
Solaris and Linux. Lazarus 0.9.30-fixed should compile and run on v10 now
that some alignment patches have been incorporated.

I am hoping that 2.6 would be enough  (not targetting lazarus) .
Compiling a development version would be painful because there is no
way to directly access the svn server ...

But you should still be able to get a snapshot of the development version. However you might find you have to work in a progression: 2.4.2 (possibly via 2.4.4) to 2.6.0 to 2.7.1. The issues are in floating point and variant handling, you'll see them on Mantis if you look for SPARC.

In all cases, you need the freeware gas, gld, gmake and probably gtar etc.,
and need to be careful with your paths.

The server has the GNU make and tar .  But the as and ld are not GNU.
 And i have no admin rights  :  so i can install software only in the
home dir.

I'd have thought that would have been OK, once you'd got paths set up. If you have problems use the compiler's -vt switch, since this will give you a blow-by-blow account of what's being looked for:

gmake NOGDB=1 OPT='-O- -gl -vt' all

Note that there are some things that I haven't tested. For example, on various Linux targets I've got a (Lazarus) app that uses PostgreSQL's listen/notify with a lot of pointer checks etc... I've never looked at that on either Solaris or Windows (which isn't where I want to go today).

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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