Am 04.07.2012 12:46, schrieb Rainer Stratmann:
Am Wednesday 04 July 2012 12:12:10 schrieb Bart:
On 7/4/12, Rainer Stratmann<>  wrote:
Next question is how to put asmmode intel global on?

Type fpc -h (in a console) to see all commandine parameters.
Then take a look at the -R switch.

That works thank you very much.

I am confused about the different methods {ASMMODE ...} in sourcecode
and -R ... in the config setup.

You can also set the assembler mode through Lazarus: Go to "Project => Project settings => Compiler settings => Parsing" and there you'll find a radio group box where you can choose the assembler style.

The need for the different ways of configuring is the following:
* FPC is independent of Lazarus, so FPC needs a way to "globally" specify the assembler style (this is also used by Lazarus if you change the option using the above mentioned method) * the {$ASMMODE ...} switch on the other hand is LOCAL as this allows you to have multiple assembler routines in the same unit that use different styles (mostly used by the System unit which is made up of multiple include files (you can even see that if you look at $fpcdir/rtl/i386/ where at the top is a routine in Intel style and then the mode is switched to AT&T style)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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