On Wed, 29 Aug 2012, Arioch wrote:

Florian Klämpfl wrote

This is the prototypical way to run a function over each element in a
collection, returning the results.
(map (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(1 2 3))
-> (2 3 4)

I still don't see why this cannot be done by procedure variables: one
can easily pass a procedure reference to a compare function to any sort
library call.

Sorry for resurrecting al thread, but p[erhaps better to keep things
1) "anonymous methods" in Delphi are made in very Pascalish way, a lot of
wording, a lot of boilerplate.
That adds to readability, but makes their use much harder. If you have
relatively complex 4-5 lines function, then the overhead is slightly
noticeable. But such functions are a borderline to me, having them anonymous
hampers both ease of read and ease of debug. I know C++ fans how say that
begin/end are awfully long. Well, Delphi style of anonymous functions would
frighten them even more.

I don't think anonymous functions should be added to the compiler at all.

They are IMHO a negation of what pascal stands for. If your programming
style is so strange that you need lamba functions or anonymous functions,
then Pascal is simply not for you.

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