On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, John wrote:

On 12/18/2012 07:35 PM, michael.vancann...@wisa.be wrote:


MySQL, Firebird, MS-access, sqlite simply do not have schema as Oracle has. In PostGres or MS-SQL it's optional, to my knowledge (not an expert).

For the record, in Postgres, it IS optional, in the sense that you can make all your tables in the "public" schema, in which case you don't need to specify the schema to access them, but if you make them in any other schema, you must specify it in the query. (And yes, I have only just found that out, by experiment. Coming from an Oracle background, I just always made schemas for my tables.)

Confirming once again that we are all creatures of habit :-)

I think that with the modifications proposed here, we should be able to cater for many habits :-)

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