I originally asked questions on big endian but so far people, and the MIPS_port doc, just reply me about litte endian . I had no choice but to modify their advice into big endian myself.

I do understand big and little do mix.

I am confused, in all of your other mail till now you were talking about littleendian and now you talk about big endian, which one is right?

A little endian binary will never ever run on a big endian system and your crosscompiler will need to also be configured && build with the correct endian.


Am 12.06.13 14:00, schrieb Dennis Poon:
Since I have spent days but still cannot produce a helloworld binary for MIPS big endian, I need someone to to produce that for me so I can
test it on my MIPS hardware.

I need to know at this stage whether a FPC produced program compiled for MIPS (big endian) can actually run on my hardware.
If that result is negative, I shall need a totally different approach.

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