I downloaded http://www.turbocontrol.com/easyfpgui.htm which as a zip of example of using synapse on ARM platform. It worked on raspberry Pi (raspbian os) but it uses a specialized trimmed down version of Free Pascal library. I need to work with the traditional free pascal library since my other part of programs rely on them.

However, when I extract the relevant code from that example and use the normal fpc compiler (2.6.0) instead of the pparm (2.6.2) and special fp lib inside that zip, my program freezes on synapser.pas TBlockSerial.Connect
at the line of fopen(FDevice, 0_RDWR or 0_SYNC).

I really don't understand what caused this? a different version of fpc compiler or a different fp lib or because their example is GUI app and mine is just a console mode app?

Any advice will be appreciated.



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