I guess not, when I remember correctly this has already been repaired for armv6m. The problem for me is that .Lj9 is defined as a negative number. As a consequence r13 points to nirvana and

str     r0,[r13, #8] creates an Exception.

# [87] begin
        push    {r4,r14}
        ldr     r4,.Lj9
        add     r13,r13,r4
# Var bit located at r13+0
# Var direction located at r13+4
# Var $self located at r13+8
        str     r0,[r13, #8]
        strb    r1,[r13]
        str     r2,[r13, #4]


        .long   -32840
        .long   32768
        .long   32840

Am 13.01.14 15:15, schrieb Jeppe Græsdal Johansen:
Might be related to the mla/mls optimization which somehow has been enabled even though it's still broken

----- Reply message -----
Fra: "Reinier Olislagers" <reinierolislag...@gmail.com>
Dato: man., jan. 13, 2014 13:44
Emne: [fpc-pascal] ARM Linux crosscompiler: compiles but... executable gives segmentation fault
Til: <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org>

On 13/01/2014 12:34, Michael Ring wrote:
> I had a look at armv6m yesterday evening, parts of my code run fine in
> gdb, the code crashes in the init of a procedure when trying to prepare
> the access to contents of a set.
> The address of the set seems to get calculated totally wrong ending up
> in a memory access at the end of the chip's address range.
> Not sure if this is related to your problem, I will try to boil down the
> example to a bare minimum to see where the generated code differs
> between armv7m and armv6m.

Thanks a lot, Michael!

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