In our previous episode, Brian said:
> The fpGUI units were recompiled with directive -Ur
> When the helloworld.pas file is compiled using Geany (with -Ur and -Va) for
> some reason FPC can't find the unit (fpg_impl.ppu) called by fp_base , even
> though it is present in the folder with fpb_base.
> [0.058] Load from FPG_BASE (interface) unit FPG_IMPL
> [0.058] Loading unit FPG_IMPL
> [0.058] Unitsearch: fpg_impl.ppu
> [0.058] Searching file fpg_impl.ppu... not found
> ... FPC then begins searching for the source file fpg_impl.pas which is not
> in the directory and eventually fails.
> Any suggestions ?

If the .ppu was rejected, it would say that /here/ some line with
"recompiling" in it.

So, then somehow the directory with the .ppu is not passed to the compiler or
rejected by it.  That means going back one step (to Jonas' answer) and check
that the -Fu with the .ppu directory is accepted.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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