On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 10:13:54 +0000
"vfclists ." <vfcli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> More questions on Mode Delphi.
> 1. Does Mode Delphi simply allow Delphi syntax to be compiled, or does it
> also affect the code generation, like data structures, pointer handling,
> parameter handling / calling conventions, stack frames etc?

Compared to mode objfpc: no.
Other modes might have other aligns and calling conventions. But you
can change that with compiler directives, so basically a mode is just a
nice set of start switches.

> 2. When Mode Delphi is applied to a project, ie the .dpr, does it affect
> the whole project, or does each project require its own mode delphi
> statement?

The command line parameters are applied to the whole project, the
compiler directives only to the unit.

> 3. Can it be switched on and off within the same unit, ie some procedures
> and data structures use it, some don't?

See compiler directives.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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