On Mon, 7 Dec 2015, Bo Berglund wrote:

I have just created a VMWare virtual machine on my Win7 PC and
installed Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon in order to do some pascal
I really do not want to build either fpc or lazarus myself, I just
want to use the released versions.

So is there a release 3.0 version available for Linux Mint 17 via

And if so what would be the correct command to get it?

No, none officially exists. There is a very old one, but it is not maintained.

I believe fpc 3.0 is in debian experimental, but it would be a very bad idea to 
use that in linux mint.

There is a command-line installer on the ftp site for fpc, after that you 
should build lazarus itself.

As it happens, I am currently writing an article on how to install lazarus on 
Linux mint 17.3 from zero.
It does describe compiling lazarus.

I can send it to you when it is finished.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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