
Okay then, maybe everyone should make a mental note and remember add the
MainUnit directive to the include files they are editing if it doesn't
already exist.

But to ask again, what's the purpose of using include files for the
interface section of units when most everything in the interface sections
remain unchanged among different platforms? Surely we can move all those
the parts back to the unit interface sections. Perhaps if you want to match
up a single interface declaration with a several include implementations, I
can see that as one method of organization, but wouldn't {$region names} in
the interface declarations {$endregion} would be an improvement over many
interface section include files? This way I can actually scroll through the
interface, ctrl+f through the interface, and not be forced to ctrl+enter on
interface section includes to see what is being declared.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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