On 2016-06-08 07:37, Mr Bee wrote:
> I did. But all the examples I found are using Lazarus aka RAD.

If you look at the wiki, then yes, that is predominantly a Lazarus
support area. The FCL packages normally included example projects too,
or unit tests. Both are handy for leaning usage of packages.

> fpWeb —and all the gems of FCL— do really need proper and
> complete documentations.

Granted, not all FCL packages are document, but those that are, and the
rest of FPC's documentation is excellent. As Michael mentioned, there is
a library of technical articles too - those are very useful. And if all
else fails, don't hesitate to ask here. Excellent advise can be had here.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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