On Sun, October 30, 2016 4:40 pm, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 2016-10-30 21:12, Lars wrote:
>> as github is hot with the new kids on the block these days.
> Yes, for good reason! Though I would correct your statement as "Git is
> hot...".  You don't have to use GitHub or any other public Git repository
> hosting environment.

I considered just using an SVN account elsewhere since I know SVN
already.. however the issue is, no one uses svn any more (I know people
use it) so for sharing code you pretty much have to use github and follow
the other sheep.  I don't mind the github GUI, in fact it's web based
portal is extremely good. I'm just skeptical of github being replaced by
yet another tool in 3 years just as CVS was replaced by SVN, and SVN
replaced by CVS.

I think the reason github is successful is because it has a wicked GUI
interface... github.com. Compared to the crap you see on source forge with
their broken ugly CVS viewers in html, or svn viewers.

The issue with github is that it encourages a lot of forking rather than
working together as CVS did.

Actually that begs the question, does freepascal still use SVN as their
development revision system? I'm completely out of touch with what's
happening with fpc dev
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