Am 10.01.2017 06:06 schrieb "Jon Foster" <>:
> What I don't quite get from your example is using "self" as the second
argument to setPositiveButton() & setNegativeButton. That parameter is
asking for an OnClickListener() class. When I tried that I received a
compile time error as I expected.

That's because in my case the activity also implements the corresponding
interface, just ignore that ;)

> Yes, the AAActivity class has a "setTitle()" method. However it sets the
title for the activity. Where as the AAAlertDialog.InnnerBuilder.setTitle()
method sets a title on the dialog window. I actually decided I like it
better without, but I'm still experimenting.


Oh and regarding Free: on JVM garbage collection is used also with FPC.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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