On Mon, January 16, 2017 2:34 pm, I previously wrote:
> The oldschool way of opening files using the system unit (no sysutils)
> has the filemode variable..
> system.FileMode := fmOpenRead; ...
> Assign(...
> Rewrite(...
> Can this be used with file locking/sharing OR-ed options like:
> fmShareCompat fmShareDenyNone fmShareDenyRead fmShareDenyWrite
> fmShareExclusive
> Or does file locking/sharing require using sysutils unit with fileopen:
> http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/sysutils/fileopen.html

To answer my own question... Looking into the fpc rtl sources I found that
DoFileLocking is inside sysutils, so likely system unit (old school
handling of files) cannot be used with locking at this stage.

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